Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Crying Racist

Leo is drunk. Leo is waiting for the bus. Leo has offered a cigarette to a Polish co-buswaiter. But the guy only spoke Polish. So he comes over to talk with me. Leo has been a commando. Years ago. Went to Africa. You would not believe the things he saw there. And now here in Belgium - wait a minute: in Flanders, of course, it is not much better. Of course, he is no racist.... but the immigrants are flooding the country. Pretty sure that in a few years he is going to be the only Flemish person left. He complained about that to his son. His son did not like his complaining. Said he was a racist and shut him out of the house. Now Leo is threatening the world. And his son, of course. So he starts to cry, because he nearly flipped and tried to kill his son. He did not, of course. But he might have. Because Leo, he knows himself. If he flips, then.... Leo offers a cigarette. Leo is drunk. Leo is waiting for the bus.

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