Monday, September 25, 2006

Tod Dockstader

A quick internet check revealed that there are already three epsiodes available in Dockstader's Aerial series. But the first one is already pretty impressive. It is the ideal soundtrack (or sound environment) for nocturnal listening. Actually, it does even more: it reveals the endless and ever restless night behind all hidden realities, sounding eerie and familiar at the same time.

Like The Hafler Trio Dockstader is a true soundcatcher, erecting small mementoes, small signs in the wilderness of thought and time, for concrete sounds and residual environmental noise that we all have forgotten about or stopped noticing a long time ago, because they have become part of the soundlibrary of our post-industrial subconscious.

Even after the first (plucking these sounds from the air and committing them to tape, already creating possible bias through modes and method of the recording) and second (structuring the sounds into meaningful narratives) processing rounds, he succeeds in conveying their constantly lingering atavastic vibrations, a white noise reflection of your immediate sound ecology, altered onto a point of unrecognizability, a sonic Babel transformed into music.

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